Thrives best with many balls in the airLiv Lønne Dille combines an infectious good mood with a tireless work ethic. As Communications Manager at TCM, she ensures that key messages about carbon capture reach diverse audiences through various channels and platforms.
TCM and Honeywell: A Collaborative Milestone in Carbon Capture InnovationAt the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), the world’s leading CO₂ capture test facility, Honeywell is conducting an ambitious testing campaign to advance its next-generation carbon capture technology.
“The CCS Train Keeps Moving Forward”“Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is highly relevant,” states TCM’s CEO, Muhammad Ismail Shah.
Helping Svante to Advance Groundbreaking Carbon Capture TechnologyAt the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM), Canada-based Svante Technologies Inc. is testing its innovative solid sorbent-based carbon capture technology in a campaign that began in November and is scheduled to run until February 2025.
Impressed by the Potential of TCM«For many of the participants from industrial companies with no prior knowledge of TCM, the visit to Mongstad provided a true “aha” moment. They were impressed by the scale of the facility and the potential the technology center represents for developing efficient and secure solutions for carbon capture and storage (CCS).»
Driving Global Collaboration: TCM’s Role in Advancing CO2 Capture Technologies“TCM’s greatest opportunities lie in strengthening its position as a global hub for CO₂ capture technology validation and commercialization,” says Rouzbeh Jafari, who was appointed the company’s Business Development Manager earlier this year.
TCM Employees Experience Northern Lights Up Close“As exciting and beautiful as the Northern Lights in the sky,” said one of the employees from Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) after visiting the Northern Lights facility in Øygarden, just outside Bergen.