– The tasks are in line for TCM!
– The expertise Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) has built since starting up in 2012 is unique in a global context. It represents a fantastic opportunity for Norway when we now are in the process of realizing the first full-scale facilities for capturing and storing CO2, says Robert Henricks (48), Acting Manager Director at TCM.
He came to TCM from Equinor in February for the position as Operation Manager, and temporarily took over as Managing Director in September. – The working days have been long and my learning curve steep. But I really enjoy to be in the centre of the development of technologies which will contribute to solve the climate challenges, he says with a smile.
In the latest issue of «Teknisk Ukeblad», TCM is referred to as «Norwegian spearhead against global warming». This is a description Henricks can sign on to. – We are at the start of an industrial era, both in Norway and Europe, where TCM with its experience and expertise have a lot to contribute with, both in terms of development, testing and optimization of capture technologies, and when it comes to training technical personnel for operating full-scale plants in a responsible manner. The tasks are in line for TCM, and will be there for many years to come.
Henricks has extensive experience from operational support and management, not at least as responsible for modifications and project-based maintenance at Equinor’s refinery at Mongstad. But he admits that he didn’t know much about the business «on the other side of the fence» before he became Operation Manager at TCM.
Productive and active organization
– What has surprised me is how productive and active this relatively small organization is – across the board, from the technical operational to the research. I see that the organization has tailored its way of working, and has found procedures and routines that seems to fit well with what we shall deliver.
Henricks points to tighter financial frameworks in recent years which have made it necessary to scale down the operational part of the organization. This has led to the form of operation becoming what he characterizes as «lean & mean». – In the year we now are leaving behind, with many demanding projects, it has led us to spend some time finding out how to solve the tasks with the resources we have available, and where our capacity limit goes.
The key to success
– In 2021, TCM carried out a test campaign for Mitsubishi (MHIENG) at the amine plant, and they have since given you praise for the execution. What significance does this have for TCM’s position in the future?
– Mitsubishi’s decicion to come from Japan to Norway and TCM to further ensure quality and reduce risk when using its capture technology, was a big feather in our cap. It says something about how solidly competent the entire TCM’s range of expertise and services is – from the technical-operational to the researched-related environment. It is the breadth of expertise at TCM – from the technicians in the field to our research engineers – that is the key to success. We will take this with us into the next era. We see that a number of CCS full-scale projects are beginning to take shape, where TCM not only further can contribute to quality assurance and optimization of the technologies, but also by conducting training of operators, technicians and engineers.
Successful start-up of a new test area
– In 2021, TCM also has introduced an area for new capture technologies. How would you summarize the test campaigns that have been conducted so far on the Site for emerging technologies?
– TDA Research and Membrane Technology and Research (MTR) are behind our two first and still ongoing campaigns for emerging technologies. Right from the start this summer, this has been surprisingly painless. Of course, we have had to step in and assist with unexpected challenges, whether there have been frost problems or other equipment challenges, and together with the customers we have got the pilot plants up and running again. We receive very good feedback on our flexibility and ability to solve problems, and look forward to conducting a number of tests within emerging technologies in the years to come.
– Advisory services have become increasingly important for TCM. Which assignments within this business area will you highlight as particularly significant in the past year?
– A number of small and larger assignments are carried out within Advisory Services, and I will highlight projects related to Longship as particularly important. Longship is the Norwegian state’s largest initiative within CCS, and for TCM it is absolutely essential to and a matter of course to use our ten-year-long specialist expertise to support these projects.
Ready to support full-scale projects
– TCM rounds out ten years in 2022. What will be the most important task in the anniversary year?
– We will first and foremost prepare and carry out a large test campaign for Research Foundation RTI (US) at the amine plant. Then we will end the campaigns for TDA Research and MTR on the Site for emerging technologies, and then prepare and acquire new test customers for this area. In addition, work is underway on another possible amine campaign towards the end of the year.
– How do you assess TCM’s role and opportunities in the longer term, after the current time of office and business which ends two years from now?
– As I have stated, we are now at the beginning of a new era for capturing and storing CO2 . TCM is ready to support the CCS full-scale projects that are underway both in Norway and in Europe, especially the projects related to the Longship initiative. How TCM will develop in a longer perspective will be exciting. Our owners are in the process of debating this, as well as how TCM will support the development of various technologies in the future. It may, for example, be in new and still immature technologies, and perhaps by redefining the business to also be able to contribute to research on other future-oriented technologies. The possibilities are many, and we want to be part of this journey. With the expertise TCM possesses, we definitely make a difference in the climate fight.
Promising test of new capture technology
It were the owners of TCM, Gassnova (the Norwegian state) and the industrial partners Shell, TotalEnergies an Equinor, who last year initiated the implementation of the test with CESAR-1. The reason is that the International Energy Agency, through its Greenhouse Gas R & D Program (IEAGHG), has requested a comprehensive assessment of new CO2 capture …